Myriam had us booked long before the wedding, and in May, we were performing for a drinks reception in the Clarion. Myriam and Jack happened to be having dinner in the restaurant there, heard us playing, and stopped me and asked if we were Here Comes The Trio! Of all the groups in Cork, she was lucky enough that it was us! She was delighted to have heard us before the big day and it was lovely to put a face to a name, so I was really looking forward to seeing her again!
Here's the music we played for the ceremony:!
Entrance: All I Ask Of You
Lighting of the Separate Candles: God Only Knows
Between readings: Make You Feel My Love
Alleluia: Hallelujah
Lighting of the Marriage Candle: All You Need Is Love
Offertory: Greatest Day
Communion: 1. Fly Me To The Moon 2. Pure Imagination
Signing of the Register: 1. Chasing Cars 2. Nothing Else Matters
Recessional: Married Life
Afterwards, the guests all headed to Dunmore House outside Clonakilty in West Cork. They had a great day for it, we're sure they had a ball! Congrats Myriam and Jack!