Entrance: Canon in D
Lighting of Separate Candles: Inis Oirr
Lighting of Marriage Candle: Falling Slowly
Offertory: All You Need Is Love
Sign of Peace: Married Life from Up
Communion: Make You Feel My Love
Your Song
Signing of the Register: Rule The World
Don't Stop Believing
Recessional: Hoppipolla
They had the cutest Mass Booklet with a photo of them taken at their debs! Their little girl also acted as flower girl for the day, and wandered up and down between the front pew with the bridesmaid, and the very front, handing her mum and dad mass booklets and just being generally adorable! Their priest was really good at involving the congregation in the Mass and striking a perfect balance between respect for the sacrament of marriage and having a modern understanding about life, love and marriage today, mixed in with plenty of jokes of course! It really was a lovely ceremony.