Entrance: Canon in D for the Bridesmaid and Here Comes The Bride for Lorna
Lighting of the Separate Candles: Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard and
Marketa Irglova (also played by the cast of Once on Graham Norton tonight - funny coincidence!)
Lighting of the Marriage Candle: Falling Slowly
Offertory: Largo from Winter by Vivaldi
Sign of Peace: Be Thou My Vision
Communion: Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring and Air on a G String, both by Bach
Signging of the Register: Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol and Rule the World by Take That
Recessional: Wedding March by Mendelssohn
For her "something blue" the bride wore gorgeous blue heels, worthy of a special mention! Afterwards everyone headed to Barnabrow House for the reception where they must have had a ball in the beautiful weather! Wishing everybody a fantastic bank holiday weekend and a wonderful future together!